
Are you Entrepreneur and are you looking for a spelling Partner who is prepared to co-invest in your Business? Are you looking for a Partner in crime to grow your company to a leader in its league?


When the business shows sufficient growth potential and both parties are convinced that together we can be a strong and successful team, Q3 may become your active partner/ co-investor.


In this context Q3 does only participate in the capital but positions itself as an active partner to the entrepreneur of the company. Our common objective is then to develop (y)our business in a profitable and sustainable way..


In his previous ventures (such as Datax, Antenor) Perry was  an entrepreneur/manager and major shareholder with a rather operational roll.

Perry therefore knows the needs and the value of a mentor to inspire the entrepreneur, to challenge new ideas and to optimize the business.

In new ventures, Perry rather positions himself as an entrepreneur/coach without a permanent operational role but with great commitment and hand-on support to the CEO/manager..


Together we should share the ambition to develop the company to become a leader in its league. This position does not only generate a lot of satisfaction to all its stakeholders but is eqaully the best basis to generate sufficient cashflow to grow the business in a profitable and sustainable way.